Denver Ablaze First Saturday of Every Month “Evening of Healing”
- 6:00 p.m. Confessions – Father Joe Hartmann and Father Eustace Sequeira, S. J.
- 6:30 p.m. Anticipated Sunday Mass Celebrated by Father Rocco Porter
- 7:30 p.m. Praise and Worship – led by Zach Zaldivar and his Praise Band
- 8:00 p.m. Healing Service l – led by Val Kummer, Director of Denver Encounter Shool of Ministry
Young adults are welcome! Pizza and Fellowship.
Location: Christ the King - Roman Catholic Church
830 Elm Street
Denver, CO 80220
What is Denver Ablaze?
As a Catholic evangelization ministry, Denver Ablaze is devoted to helping Christians walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, while using their God-given gifts/charisms to further His Kingdom on Earth. In so doing, we help fulfill the desire of people to have a greater relationship with the Holy Spirit, as discerned through the Archdiocesan Synod.
Denver Ablaze organizes quarterly prayer gatherings around the metro. We come together to worship God, sing to Him, praise Him and listen for His words. Prayer ministry is available after gathering by our prayer teams.
We have been offering monthly workshops (in 2022) on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Each workshop focuses on a gift that St. Paul outlines in 1 Corinthians 12 1-11 and includes a teaching on a gift, activation for that gift and opportunity to exercise your gift to build up and heal the Body of Christ.
We also held our first Charismatic Pentecost Mass in 2022 at St. Catherine of Siena.

What inspired Denver Ablaze?
Archbishop Aquila, in his Lenten Pastoral Note, asked everyone to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Archdiocese of Denver and for us to be filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. In response, through Denver Ablaze, we’d like to reignite the spark of the Holy Spirit, the Charismatic Renewal.
Archbishop Aquila also encouraged us to be joyful—a fruit of the Spirit—and hoped for all to encounter Jesus personally (another work of the Holy Spirit). Recently a poll of Charismatic Catholics was asked: what happened when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit? The most common answer was that the person came to know Jesus as his/her Lord and Master.
The Holy Spirit is the Answer to everything the Archbishop outlines in his letter. The Holy Spirit is the Evangelizer. He brings us to a deeper relationship with Jesus. He fills us with joy and peace, kindness and gentleness. He helps us understand the Gospel. He unites us. We need Him, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit were front and center as the disciples went on mission, evangelizing the ancient world. God’s signs and wonders accompanied the Word. In our “post-Christian society” today, those signs and wonders are once again needed, to convert our hearts to God. Thus the idea of Denver Ablaze was born.